The forgotten factor of motivation

Nothing is more alien to the mindset of these people than motivation. For these people, the only thing that counts is enforcing draconian penalties and financing them with tax increases.

Tuesday in the news: WIFO study, what will it cost if Austria does nothing about climate change? Of course, I immediately call the author of the study and tell her about the 100,000 hectares of land for energy program for Austria.

That's not possible, we have so many problems with land consumption.

Unfortunately, the author then ran out of time. So I called her the next day on the subject of motivation. In order to maintain a social system, the population has to be sufficiently motivated:
  • Sufficient to learn
  • Sufficient to work
  • Having enough children
But how should society be motivated today? It was not aware of any studies on the subject. These zero studies on motivation are symptomatic of a catastrophic misguided development in society.

  Instruct, describe as without alternative, demand obedience

First and foremost, it is a dominant social trend to demand save, restriction and renunciation, to describe these teachings as having no alternative and to demand obedience. These lunatics really think that motivation is completely superfluous, demanding obedience and labeling anyone who disobeys as an enemy is quite enough. The mildest form of punishment is the refusal to discuss. The next step is the destruction of existence. All criticism ends with being declared an enemy.

Nothing is more alien to the mindset of these people than motivation. For these people, the only thing that counts is enforcing draconian penalties and financing them with tax increases. If the population becomes impoverished in the process, these brutes will cheer.

For example, question a Google about penalties under the Heating Act: What fines are provided for in the new Heating Act? The new Heating Act stipulates fines of between 5000 euros and 50,000 euros for various violations. Failure to comply with the heat pump inspection, for example, is to be punished with a fine of 5000 euros.

Yes, it really does say €5,000 fine for ignoring the heat pump inspection. For that money, you can get a small electric car in China, roughly on a par with the Mitsubishi i-MiEV.

It seems that for them there is no society of humans, but only a society of robots that unconditionally carry out all orders and of radicals that endanger the system. You don't need to motivate robots, programming is enough.

  Cost optimization vs. incurring debt, motivating vs. commanding

This is what cost optimization and motivation look like. Someone who lives in the illusory world of "We can create as much debt as we like, let's just call it special assets" and "We give orders, we enforce them with draconian penalties" cannot understand this concept.

  February 15 is too late

The first shareholders received 700 shares for € 1,000. With the price adjustment in September 2023, this was reduced to 150 shares. The next major price adjustment will take place on February 15. We need capital to make a better world possible.

  Optimism in a time of collapse

What prospects for the future can children of today be given? The majority of society only mentions extremely negative images of the future. Even when it comes to housing, a central need for everyone. The search query "housing in Germany" only brings up disaster reports in the search results. The problems can no longer be solved using conventional methods. Completely new approaches are needed.

If you support these completely new ways of thinking by buying shares, then in a few years' time you will not only be able to say "I contributed to this", but you will probably also be able to look back on a considerable increase in the value of these shares.

  Become a shareholder of GEMINI next Generation AG

A club member donates their membership fee to the club and is happy if the club is successful. If not, I have supported a good cause.

A shareholder acquires shares in a public limited company. If the AG is successful, his shares are worth much more. In the case of GEMINI next Generation AG, his reward for supporting a good cause.

As a shareholder, employee or home buyer, you also become part of the counter-movement against many negative, anti-survival developments in our society.

One new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment", but €4,000 times €1,000 is also €4 million for all investments up to the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for global expansion.

Only the Annual General Meeting can decide on major capital increases, but here is what the Management Board and Supervisory Board can decide. The new share capital serves to perfect the documents for the larger planned capital increases.

There is a reward program for recommending the share to others. Two of the new shareholders have become shareholders through this reward program.

Here are the details.

Attention! A major promotion is planned for mid-February, during which the shares will be offered at a significantly higher price. Buy in good time before the price correction!
          The forgotten factor of motivation: Nothing is more alien to the mindset of these people than motivation. For these people, the only thing that counts is enforcing draconian penalties and financing them with tax increases.