What would Ludwig Erhard say?

The median wealth of 2 people in Germany is nowhere near enough for home ownership. Home ownership is probably the lowest form of "prosperity for all".

  Quote Wikipedia

Ludwig Wilhelm Erhard (* February 4, 1897 in Fürth; † May 5, 1977 in Bonn) was a German politician (CDU) and economist. He was Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1963 to 1966.

Prior to this, he was Minister of Economic Affairs in Bavaria from 1945 to 1946, Director of Economic Affairs for the United Economic Area from 1948 to 1949 and Federal Minister of Economics from 1949 to 1963. He is often regarded as the father of the "German economic miracle"; however, his actual contribution to the economic upturn is disputed. He is also often referred to as the father of the economic system of the Federal Republic of Germany known as the social market economy, which was introduced by him as Minister of Economics. He was Vice-Chancellor from 1957 to 1963 and the second Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1963 to 1966. From 1966 to 1967, he was Adenauer's successor as Federal Chairman of the CDU.

  Prosperity for all

In 2014, I founded the "WWW Bewegung WeltWeiter Wohlstand" party in Austria. Before founding the party, I researched possible name conflicts. That's how I discovered that Ludwig Erhard wrote the book "Wohlstand für alle" in 1957.

During the global economic crisis, Erhard attempted the extremely ambitious topic of overcoming the economic crisis by influencing economic policy in his habilitation thesis at the Handelshochschule. The state should intervene in production and steer the economy better, as this could not be trusted to individual interests. However, Erhard did not explain how the state should do this.

But as early as 1974, Ludwig Erhard declared that the era of the social market economy had long since come to an end.

  Diagnosis about the present

The first thing he would do is look at the statistics on median wealth and average wealth as a disaster report. The median wealth of 2 people is nowhere near enough for home ownership. Home ownership is probably the lowest form of "wealth for all", but not available at the median.

Next, he would realize that land prices are enormously inflated due to the artificial scarcity of building land. Quoting Wikipedia: In an essay[4], Erhard opposed the economic policy of the right-wing conservative forces and called on the government to prevent abuse by cartels and monopolies, particularly in the capital goods industry.

Building land is an investment good, and the aim of cartels and monopolies is to drive up the price. Of course, this cartel of price hikes pretends to have higher reasons such as environmental protection, but this protective claim is easy to refute.

When studying the energy policy, he would assume that it could only have been created in a closed psychiatric ward: Why was the painstakingly built-up photovoltaic industry smashed in 2014? Why is there no 100 GWh/a battery industry in Germany? Why does the Federal Network Agency state that on a very cold windless night, 34.6 GW of gas-fired power plants are sufficient for around 100 GW of electricity demand from 16 million heat pumps alone? Why are extremely unprofitable conversions being forced through compulsory measures?

Why is there no broad discussion about the energy transition in terms of cost optimization and acceptance by the population? He would interpret the lack of this discussion as a sign of a totalitarian society. He would think, how could energy policy have come to look like agricultural policy under Stalin?

  Saving the social market economy

This is the title of the page I wrote in 2014 after discovering the book "Prosperity for All", here is part of that page:

Ludwig Erhard tried to create a freer and more equal society with the concept of people's capitalism. Erhard justified his idea of broad wealth accumulation as follows: If a concentration of the means of production is unavoidable with the development of modern technology, then this process must be countered by a conscious and active will for a broadly dispersed but genuine co-ownership of that economic productive capital.

Today's stock market with high-speed trading and extreme bubble formation fueled by the economic blockade and the resulting extremely low interest rates is completely unsuitable for this kind of popular capitalism. My approach since 1991: home ownership with energy production for personal use, including mobility and energy sales. Measures to enable the poorer 50% of the population to accumulate such wealth.

  The EFH is dead, long live the new EFH for a successful energy transition

This was my lecture at the Landshut Environmental Fair on Saturday, March 9 at 17:00 in lecture hall 3. There will be a video soon.

Before my presentation, I had the opportunity to take a test drive in a Vietnamese electric car.

  Become a shareholder of GEMINI next Generation AG

A club member donates their membership fee to the club and is happy if the club is successful. If not, I have supported a good cause.

A shareholder acquires shares in a public limited company. If the AG is successful, his shares are worth much more. In the case of GEMINI next Generation AG, his reward for supporting a good cause.

As a shareholder, employee or home buyer, you also become part of the counter-movement against many negative, anti-survival developments in our society.

One new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment", but €4,000 times €1,000 is also €4 million for all investments up to the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for global expansion.

There is a reward program for recommending the share to others. Two of the new shareholders have become shareholders through this reward program.

Here are the details.
          What would Ludwig Erhard say?: The median wealth of 2 people in Germany is nowhere near enough for home ownership. Home ownership is probably the lowest form of "prosperity for all". https://2024.pege.org/03-10/