Power grid or no power grid, that is here the question

Let's take a larger settlement with 1024 houses and 90 MW of photovoltaics. In an area as sunny as Mountain View in California, 125 GWh annual yield.

In the first half of the 20th century, “electricity to the last mountain farming village” applied. But how economical was that? Let's assume a small village with 200 houses, each consuming 300 kWh per year. How do you finance a few kilometers of medium-voltage line, the transformer and distribution in the village with 60,000 kWh of electricity sales per year? Only with cross-financing via the electricity customers in the towns.

Picture of FuFu Wolf

  Oil imports and the trade deficit

In many developing countries, oil imports are largely responsible for the trade deficit. Mobility with combustion engines stops further economic development due to the oppressive import costs. Electric cars and solar power will soon have significant cost advantages over imported used cars and oil.

In 2030, the owner of a used VW Golf is having a discussion with the owner of a BYD Seagull somewhere in Africa:
  • What an impossible car you have, not even an app to turn on the air conditioning
  • Tell me how you visit your relatives in the country, they are 400 km away
This brings us to the core of the problem: it's a chicken and egg problem, which comes first: the electric car or the charging infrastructure. Given the cost advantages of solar power over oil, this is a crucial question for future economic development.

  Charging infrastructure with GEMINI next generation settlements

In my videos I have already shown 2 settlements, each with 16 houses on one hectare. There will also be such a settlement in the next video, this time with a covered fast-charging station that also includes restaurants and has 1.8 MW of photovoltaics. In a sunny country, a below-average daily yield would be 5.4 MWh. In cloudy weather, for example.

But even there, the yield is sufficient to supply 60 cars with 45 kWh each and 6 large trucks with 360 kWh each. The price of electricity must be significantly cheaper than gasoline and diesel. A study on prices.

So there are a lot of countries where electricity at the fast charging station for €0.20/kWh represents a considerable cost advantage over the combustion engine. Such a settlement would have as a source of income:
  • Sale of electricity to vehicles
  • Gastronomy
  • Agriculture
  • Commuter
  • Working from home

  Material for road construction

Concrete or asphalt? Asphalt is a product of the oil industry. There is heavy oil, which is burned in large ship engines after it has been heated to 160° so that it is halfway liquid and can be fed through the injection nozzles. If the stuff is even more viscous, it's called asphalt. The oil industry lives from cars, airplanes, ships and oil heating. In 30 years, airplanes will fly over 1000 km with power to fuel, the rest will all be electric. Without fuel consumption, asphalt will also become obsolete. That's why roads will be built with concrete.

Have you ever thought about how much a highway weighs? One square meter of 28 cm thick concrete weighs 670 kg. 10 m in one direction, 10 m in the other and we are already at 13.4 t per meter and 13,400 t per km. Just 7.5 km of highway weighs as much as a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. Just imagine, the highway from Vienna to Salzburg weighs as much as 40 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

In the area where I live there is the Salzach power plant Urstein, advertising slogan “120 GWh annual yield, we supply 35,000 households” and the cement plant LEUBE, annual demand 110 GWh electricity and 400 GWh thermal energy. It would be more honest to write “We supply 250 jobs in the energy-intensive industry with electricity, but not nearly enough for heat” at Salzach power plant Urstein.

To operate a cement plant the size of LEUBE, what would you have to burn? Over 100,000 tons of wood? Let's get rid of the nonsense that we can achieve anything by burning biomass, except to make our situation even worse. In many developing countries, even the fire for cooking is destructive overexploitation of the forest. What is left? Solar power, solar power and more solar power.

Research is also being carried out into cement production using only electricity without combustion.

  Larger settlement with 1024 houses

Let's take a larger settlement with 1024 houses and 90 MW of photovoltaics. In an area as sunny as Mountain View in California, 125 GWh annual yield. 7 GWh for own use, 38 GWh electricity sales at the highway service station, 80 GWh for a cement plant. It costs 2,775 MJ to produce one cubic meter of concrete. This is with cement production with combustion. In contrast to electricity heating, the exhaust gases from combustion are also heated. Let's assume that purely electric cement production could reduce this to 2,160 MJ per cubic meter. That would be 600 kWh per cubic meter, 250 kWh per ton. The 80 GWh/a for concrete production is then sufficient for 320,000 tons of concrete. That's enough for almost 24 km of highway.

But there is also a lower-ranking road network where the carriageway is narrower and the concrete surface is thinner. Let's take a federal highway with a width of 7 m and 22 cm of concrete. That's only 3.7 tons per meter and 320,000 tons are enough for 86 km every year. A concrete roadway has to be renewed every 30 years. Until then, concrete recycling processes will probably be perfected.

  Power grid or no power grid, that is the question here

The old logic was that larger power plants are more efficient than smaller power plants. This is why large centralized power plants are built and the electricity is distributed to large areas via a high-voltage grid and a medium-voltage grid. This logic also applied to pumped storage power plants, which can only be built where there is a sufficient volume of water that can be stored at a sufficient height.

Wind power plants in the North Sea, which are also to supply Bavaria via long lines, have pushed the logic of electricity distribution via power grids to its limits. Electricity grids are a necessity in areas with a large difference in solar yield between summer and winter in order to transport electricity to large centralized power-to-methane or power-to-methanol plants in summer and to obtain electricity from combined cycle power plants in winter.

However, if there is little difference between summer and winter, centralized Power to X and CCGT power plants can be replaced by decentralized iron-air batteries. In this case, the GEMINI estate and its industry, the GEMINI estate and the area with old houses that is supplied.

  Opinion poll on the climate

The IPCC repeatedly emphasizes “net zero emissions and everything will be fine again”. This is despite the fact that the Amazon has already switched from absorbing CO2 to emitting it in 2021 and studies on thawing permafrost soils have very wide-ranging forecasts. Alternatively, PEGE proposes energy-optimized settlement areas with ClimateProtectionHomes, which enable affordable living in owner-occupied homes and a cost-optimized energy transition. This should reduce CO2 emissions by 2 ppm per year by 2054.

Here to the result.

  Opinion survey on housing

The detached house is dead - long live the new detached house! The old detached house wasted a lot of energy, the new one produces so much solar power that it has become the backbone of a functioning energy transition. Where to live?
  • Apartment in a high-rise building with over 10 floors
  • Apartment in an old building in the old town
  • Apartment in a large city in a building with fewer than 10 apartments
  • Apartment in a rural area in a house with less than 10 apartments
  • Single-family house that keeps up with the price by selling its own electricity supply
This opinion poll was stopped by the abuse of the report function by a mob of anti-survival fanatics.

I experienced a similar abuse of the report function on Facebook last week.

These mobsters are well organized to defame unwanted opinions.

  GEMINI next Generation AG will prove the contrary

It's not about whether the shares will be worth 10 times or 100 times more in 20 years' time or whether they will only be worth a few cents. It's about the future of us all. Will there be a big showdown between eco-fascism and yesterday's fossils, or will it be possible to overcome the deep divisions in society and inspire supporters of both sides to work towards a great new goal?

Global prosperity and planetary restoration instead of saving, restricting, renouncing and climate catastrophe or peak oil and a little more climate catastrophe. Both sides must be convinced that there is no solution that is even remotely viable.

On the one hand, it must be shown that net-zero emissions are a completely inadequate target and that the goal must instead be a planetary clean-up back to 350 ppm CO2. The other side must be shown that solar power enables a higher standard of living than fossil energy.

It's about survival! The social situation in 2024 compared to 2004. Extrapolating that to 2044 makes for a horror world! If we are successful and your shares are worth 100 times more, this is just an addition to all the other achievements.

One new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment”, but €4,000 times €1,000 is also €4 million for all investments up to the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for global expansion.

There is a reward program for recommending the share to others. Two of the new shareholders have become shareholders through this reward program.

Here are the details.
          Power grid or no power grid, that is here the question: Let's take a larger settlement with 1024 houses and 90 MW of photovoltaics. In an area as sunny as Mountain View in California, 125 GWh annual yield. https://2024.pege.org/04-28/