Spot market anomaly due to decouplingA huge surprise on Tuesday afternoon on the day-ahead spot market: 2 peaks at almost €2 per kWh and otherwise 11 hours of negative electricity prices.I have been looking at the hourly prices for the next day every day for many years. This began as an observation of the effects of the expansion of photovoltaics. From 2019 because of the "GEMINI next generation" project. If you want to compete on the market with the statement "The energy system of the house pays for itself", then you also have to constantly follow the trends on the electricity market. A huge surprise on Tuesday afternoon: 2 peaks at almost €2 per kWh and otherwise 11 hours of negative electricity prices. ![]()
Here's the best explanation: According to the exchange operator, so-called decoupling took place in the day-ahead auction for Wednesday. The exchange had to conduct its own local auctions for each country, which led to the strong price fluctuations.
This means that bids from neighboring countries could not be considered in the auction. This led to extreme prices. A company in my neighborhood needs 12.5 MW. At a normal hourly electricity price of 6 cents/kWh, that's €750. Energy-intensive industry is €3 per employee. But in the peak hour €25,000, €100 per employee. Which company should switch from gas to electricity for industrial process heat, for example, if there are such price risks? Let's take a continuous glass melting process, which has to be continuous, you can't just switch it off for an hour.
This extremely unstable system did not come about by chance, but through deliberate sabotage. In September 2014, AGORA Energiewende announced that the energy transition would take another 20 years without electricity storage. Where are the measures that a minimum of 3 kWh of batteries must be installed for every kW of photovoltaics? Where are the standards stipulating that storage systems must be able to serve the grid? At the Intersolar trade fair a week ago, I again heard the saying "When the storage system is full at 11:00, it will feed into the grid". I then explained to the salesman that this was extremely anti-grid behavior and would be a disaster if everyone did this. "Our storage facility can only do that". This kind of bullshit should simply be banned! It's like a car with a carburetor engine, just so old-fashioned. Where is the inclusion of small decentralized storage systems in the electricity market? Is there even a significant proportion of small electricity storage systems that can work for the grid? There was this offer at the trade fair in a 40-foot container, 1.5 MWh, 1.5 MW, €800,000, makes a profit in electricity trading. Most smaller systems are unsuitable for this due to the lack of software.
What if this act of sabotage against the energy transition had not taken place in September 2014? On the contrary, if the need for electricity storage had been pointed out?
Planetary cleanup back to 350 ppm CO2 means around 47,000 TWh of electricity to filter 1 ppm CO2 from the atmosphere and recycle it into carbon and oxygen. Who can afford that? Only a rich humanity, 10 billion people in prosperity can do it.
It is a decision between 3 directions:
It's not about whether the shares will be worth 10 times or 100 times more in 20 years' time or whether they will only be worth a few cents. It's about the future of us all. Will there be a big showdown between eco-fascism and yesterday's fossils, or will it be possible to overcome the deep divisions in society and inspire supporters of both sides to work towards a great new goal? Global prosperity and planetary restoration instead of saving, restricting, renouncing and climate catastrophe or peak oil and a little more climate catastrophe. Both sides must be convinced that there is no solution that is even remotely viable. On the one hand, it must be shown that net-zero emissions are a completely inadequate target and that the goal must instead be a planetary clean-up back to 350 ppm CO2. The other side must be shown that solar power enables a higher standard of living than fossil energy. It's about survival! The social situation in 2024 compared to 2004. Extrapolating that to 2044 makes for a horror world! If we are successful and your shares are worth 100 times more, this is just an addition to all the other achievements. One new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment", but €4,000 times €1,000 is also €4 million for all investments up to the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for global expansion. There is a reward program for recommending the share to others. Two of the new shareholders have become shareholders through this reward program. Here are the details.
My studies on off-grid fast-charging settlements have already resulted in initial contact and a video conference with the CEO of a major African company. The most important statements: "There are about 2 million homes missing" and "Solar-powered cement factories are a fascinating new idea". There are several chances of an event that could lead to a jump in the share price. At today's share price, € 2 million would be 10,000 packages at € 200 and 300,000 shares for the buyer. However, if these € 2 million are only worth 20% of the AG, this would logically result in a very significant jump in the share price. |