The political spectrum of limitismLimitism is based on the book "The Limits to Growth", published in 1972. It describes the hopeless situation in a world without renewable energies and recycling.Limitism, never heard of it? In 2015, I founded the “Association for the Promotion of Infinitism”. The aim was to compare Infinitism with the prevailing philosophies of the present day. On the one hand, there was neoliberalism. A name had yet to be found for the philosophy of constant “save, restrict, renounce” sermons and the prevention of anything that could grow: Limitism. Limitism is based on the book “The Limits to Growth”, published in 1972. It describes the hopeless situation in a world without renewable energy and recycling. The growing human civilization is seen as a pest. Limitism preaches saving, restricting and doing without and tries to prevent any development that could lead to growth. This inhumane philosophy wants to keep the majority of humanity in poverty. To assuage their guilty conscience about this perfidious plan, they invite people from the countries they want to keep poor. One strand of limitism is the Guide Stones, where, until this monument was blown up, there were calls in eight languages for humanity to be reduced to 500 million. The worst slogan used by limitists to express their hatred of humanity is “Healthy planets have no people”. The claim “net zero emissions and everything will be fine again” is used to promote completely inadequate climate protection measures that pose a major threat to humanity. The more limitist thinking characterizes a country, the stronger the economic downturn and the louder the call for censorship because this philosophy is too weak to face open discussion and criticism. Cancel culture and refusal to discuss are typical manifestations of limitism.
How could it come about in Germany that the old parties have to be compared with the block parties of the GDR? It is the infiltration of limitist ideas. The CDU/CSU can be described as moderately limitist, while the youth organization of the Greens must be described as extremely limitist. Outside the political parties, there are fundamentalist limitists like the street stickers. Limitists regard limitism as the only true and sole philosophy. Conflicts with non-limitist states are elevated to the status of a kind of holy war, where victory must be won at all costs, even if it means World War 3 and the extinction of humanity. Let's look back a few centuries. Another form of the Christian faith developed. Could rational people seriously shape the 30 Years' War from these minor differences between these two Christian faiths?
70 GW photovoltaic expansion target for Germany. This is undoubtedly limitist thinking. It was the exact opposite of a lobby for solar energy. In 2013, the photovoltaic industry that had been painstakingly built up in Germany was destroyed. As early as 1992, in my first book “Aufstieg zum Solarzeitalter”, I called for an expansion target of 900 GW of horizontally downscaled photovoltaics, equivalent to 1200 GW. Limitist thinking is geared towards preventing any growth. For example, with pseudo-scientific assessment criteria. For example, battery production is assessed using the dirtiest electricity from brown coal instead of the cleanest electricity from photovoltaics. Of course, all the thousands of scientists will never develop better production processes. So how do limitists deal with the need for rechargeable batteries? “We can manage without batteries for another 20 years in the energy transition” was announced in all media in September 2014. The approved scenario 2045 on the Federal Network Agency's website clearly shows the triumph of fundamentalists.
This did not happen overnight. It happened with an ever-increasing infiltration of government and society with limitist ideas. Who contradicted the nonsense 70 GW expansion target for photovoltaics in the first decade of the new millennium? Who contradicted the nonsense “The energy transition won't need electricity storage for another 20 years” in September 2014?
Anti-limitism is purely a defensive reaction to all the “save, restrict, renounce” demands of the limitists. It is an unsustainable line of thought, such as “Oil always grows back on its own” or “Let's carry on as before”. Despite the fact that the mental constructs of the anti-limitists often deny reality, they are becoming more and more popular because the demands of the limitists are much more terrible.
We need a philosophy to push back limitism: infinitism. We need a policy that implements this: WWW Movement WorldWide Prosperity shows the way. We need products to realize this. The GEMINI next generation house with its energy-optimized residential areas has the potential to make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions by 350 ppm.
Net zero emissions means reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a level that nature can supposedly absorb for a long time. For the rich, this means Maintain poverty, cause poverty, so that enough emission rights remain for the rich. See the architect and her opinion that Africans don't need roads.
Planetary cleanup back to 350 ppm CO2 means around 47,000 TWh of electricity to filter 1 ppm CO2 from the atmosphere and recycle it into carbon and oxygen. Who can afford that? Only a rich humanity, 10 billion people in prosperity can do it.
It is a decision between 3 directions:
It's not about whether the shares will be worth 10 times or 100 times more in 20 years' time or whether they will only be worth a few cents. It's about the future of us all. Will there be a big showdown between eco-fascism and yesterday's fossils, or will it be possible to overcome the deep divisions in society and inspire supporters of both sides to work towards a great new goal? Global prosperity and planetary restoration instead of saving, restricting, renouncing and climate catastrophe or peak oil and a little more climate catastrophe. Both sides must be convinced that there is no solution that is even remotely viable. On the one hand, it must be shown that net-zero emissions are a completely inadequate target and that the goal must instead be a planetary clean-up back to 350 ppm CO2. The other side must be shown that solar power enables a higher standard of living than fossil energy. It's about survival! The social situation in 2024 compared to 2004. Extrapolating that to 2044 makes for a horror world! If we are successful and your shares are worth 100 times more, this is just an addition to all the other achievements. One new shareholder said, “Me with my very modest investment”, but €4,000 times €1,000 is also €4 million for all investments up to the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for global expansion. There is a reward program for recommending the share to others. Two of the new shareholders have become shareholders through this reward program. Here are the details.
My studies on off-grid fast-charging settlements have already resulted in initial contact and a video conference with the CEO of a major African company. The most important statements: “There are about 2 million homes missing” and “Solar-powered cement factories are a fascinating new idea”. There are several chances of an event that could lead to a jump in the share price. At today's share price, € 2 million would be 10,000 packages at € 200 and 300,000 shares for the buyer. However, if these € 2 million are only worth 20% of the AG, this would logically result in a very significant jump in the share price. |